ECD Last Call: 20% on Channel Setup Fees!
For booking new channels in the course of the event we offer a special ECD discount of 20% on the setup fees*!

And of course we have a special for all visitors of the ECD:
For booking new channels in the course of the event we offer a special ECD discount of 20% on the setup fees*!
Thus another reason to celebrate the second edition of this extraordinary event on 21st of April in Munich.
If this is not enough, here the other Top 5 of the reasons:
1.) Everybody is there. From A like Amazon to Z like Zalando. And of course the technology leaders from Demandware to Shopware.
2.) The branch specialists are also there. Johannes Altmann, Jochen Krisch, Martin Groß-Albenhausen – to mention only some.
3.) More than 150 one-to-one talks take place in the Meeting Lounge. You can still request appointments.
4.) The Session Slot offers 5 roundtables on thrilling topics from omni-channel via longtail to internationalisation.
5.) The afterwork party in 2015 was close to legendary. This year, it starts with a sweepstake price of a special kind.
Register now for the ECD. We look forward to welcoming you!
*The discount is only available for companies visiting the ECD.
The booking takes place at the event or upon agreement up to 4 weeks after the event date.