Full House at the 3rd E-Channels-Day
Mit über 450 Besuchern, 320 One-to-One Meetings, 18 spannenden Vorträgen und einem kreativen "Legoland der Zukunft" ging gestern der 3. ECD zu Ende.

With more than 450 visitors, 320 one-to-one meetings, 18 exciting presentations all around the topic of “Networked E-Commerce” and a creative “Legoland of the Future”, the 3rd E-Channels Day (ECD) came to an end yesterday. It was an event of superlatives.
“This is the ECD in its third dimension,” was how the tradebyte CEO and host of the E-Channels-Day welcomed the 450 participants in the Wappenhalle at the Munich trade fair centre. Business models for marketplaces and platform economics were the main topics at the event this year. tradebyte would like to carry the idea of a platform on to the congress, and to do this, for the first time, specific branding was implemented for the ECD.
The unique event format in the e-commerce industry gave all market players – including top dogs such as Zalando, Otto and real – the opportunity to exchange views and drive their ideas forward together. “It’s all about the network and expertise with the background of utilising turnover potential in e-commerce,” explains Matthias Schulte. “tradebyte is simply the enabler, the platform.”
The success of the event has proven tradebyte right. Two weeks before the event, every single ticket had been sold. The heart of the congress format, the one-to-one meetings, has never been more popular. Speakers and panel experts gave the audience an insight into their business models in the Session Slot, Best Practice Slot and in the Channel Slot. Manufacturers, retailers, consultants and service providers revealed their experiences in a relaxed atmosphere and took the opportunity to show their cards.
The motto of the event this year was “Play Digital”. For this, the ECD staged a very special business game. Shop expert Johannes Altmann allowed participants to build their vision of the e-commerce landscape in 2022 by using Lego Serious Play. The result of the scenario: The customer is king, technology is a means to an end and employees keep the wheel turning. The team from Tom Tailor were the lucky winners of the business game and they can now look forward to a one-day Lego Serious Play workshop.
After an impressive business day full of new inspiration, the participants enjoyed the dinner by Feinkost Käfer in a mild summer atmosphere. Later, E-Commerce DJ Ralf Mager heated up the audience with his sound and celebrations which went on long after midnight.
Enjoy the the E-Channels Day actioncam 2017. Click here!