Happy International Diversity & Inclusion Day 2021, folks!
Happy International Diversity & Inclusion Day 2021! How is Tradebyte structured? How old is the team and what is the quota of women? Which countries are represented? Check out this blog post for a few Tradebyte diversity facts!
On May 21st, International Diversity & Inclusion Day is celebrated worldwide. And Tradebyte is joining in! So what are we celebrating?
It’s simple: the fact that we are all different and that’s a good thing. At Tradebyte, people from different countries and/or different cultural backgrounds come together and we love it! That’s what Tradebyte is all about. Not only culturally are we a good mix. We have put a few facts in graphs for you below.
On average, our Tradebits are 32.2 years old. By the way, 37.1% of our employees are female.
With 23.6%, Generation X is on the rise. However, Generation Y is still the most represented with 59.5%, while Baby Boomers and Generation Z round off our team with a good 8%.
Our colleagues come from no less than 22 different countries! In percentage terms, this means that just under 17% are not originally from Germany. The Tradebyte team is becoming increasingly international – not least after we welcomed great colleagues from the UK to the team in March, who further add to our international and diverse group. Together, we all agree: Tradebyte is more than just a job and we do things together, true to our motto “Love what you do”.
With this in mind, have a wonderful Diversity & Inclusion Day 2021, everyone! And by the way: our team is still looking for new members. Feel free to visit this page and become part of our team!