Introducing the Team: 5 Questions for Hajo Ewert
1. How long have you been at Tradebyte and what are your tasks? I have been at Tradebyte since 01.01.2015 and I'm responsible for the newly-founded Consulting

I have been at Tradebyte since 01.01.2015 and I’m responsible for the newly-founded Consulting Unit.Roughly, consulting always comes into play when a new customer has requirements which exceed the normal consulting business of the individual departments. An example would be, if a customer would like to become a marketplace or a sales platform itself and needs to create the requirements for this.
2. What distinguishes Tradebyte as an employer for you?
- Tradebyte is extremely focused on its product and service offers. That enables great efficiency in the implementation of projects and high quality offers for our customers.
- Decision making processes are very short and all employees are listened to and can shape the company through their tasks in a positive way.
3. What fascinates you about the e-commerce industry?
Firstly, the high level of complexity through the connection of diverse competences necessary to operate e-commerce. So, technology, graphics, marketing, expertise in commerce, international management, etc. There is hardly another industry anywhere in which you are so dependent on teamwork.
4. What do you prefer: online shopping or shopping at a store?
As a man, I’m typically too laidback to go shopping in many stores. On the other hand, you can’t buy everything online without making an effort. If something doesn’t fit, you have to return the product and then wait longer. But I’d say that I have bought pretty much everything apart from cars online at some point.
5. In your opinion, what innovation has changed the world most?
If you look at a longer timeframe, it is surely the discovery of penicillin, vaccinations and hygiene products, without which we would all still have a life expectancy of 40 years or we’d have died even before that from what would today be considered simple illnesses.