Our heart beats sustainably – Sustainability becomes the motto of the first event with Styla and Seven Senders
Whether fashion platform, traditional company or logistics start-up - more sustainable processes and products are now a matter of course for companies.

Whether fashion platform, traditional company or logistics start-up – more sustainable processes and products are now a matter of course for both large and small companies. After the first joint event with our partners Styla and Seven Senders, we can emphasize this thesis again fat and bold. Sustainability in e-commerce – under this motto, we invited to our dinner event in the first vegan and completely garbage-free restaurant FREA in Berlin.
3 courses, 3 impulses, 3 perspectives
Surrounded by an excellent vegan three-course meal, the guests were inspired by three inspirational impulses to talk about more sustainable lifestyles and business processes. The colorful mix of speakers made it possible to offer a wide variety of perspectives on the subject of sustainability. For example, Lea Rogosic from Zalando spoke about the results of the customer survey and revealed the sustainable goals that the platform giant has set itself for the next few years. This includes, for example, a tenfold increase in the range of sustainable products.

The quintessence of Lea was: »We don’t need a handful of people doing sustainability perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.«. Marc Ramelow, Managing Director of Gustav Ramelow KG, is confronted with customer questions about the sustainability of the offered goods in the stationary fashion trade and has therefore started to investigate on his own. With questionnaires for suppliers and educational videos for sales people, Ramelow now wants to pass on his knowledge to customers. For the Swedish logistics start-up Budbee, represented by CGO Sophus Broberg, electro-mobility and the efficient use of vehicles is already a matter of course. Currently, the new logistics terminal is being built, which will be fully self-sufficient and will also be used to refuel the van fleet in the future.
Great strides towards the future

Invitees included Tradebyte customers and representatives of platforms and marketplaces, all of which are already working on sustainable processes and want to continue expanding them. Just like Stephan Sommerlik, CEO of GoJungo GmbH. The company supports its customers in the content preparation for the sale on platforms and relies on sustainable processes both in the server landscape and the shipping: »For us, sustainability is not only ecological, but also an economical aspect: Acting sustainably also means to act efficiently. Additionally, we want to give sustainable brands the opportunity to sell their goods on many different platforms without having to ignore their philosophy.«

Philipp Ludewig, Head of Platform Management and Merchandising at mirapodo, says that myToys has long been committed to sustainability: »As an employer and in our corporate culture, we focus on sustainability in many topics. We also pay more attention to sustainable products when selecting assortments and see that the topic is now becoming increasingly relevant to both manufacturers and our customers. Last but not least, our target group, the young family, requires us to deal intensively with the topic.«

This evening on sustainability was a premiere for Tradebyte, Seven Senders and Styla. A repetition was already decided on the joint last drink. »For us, this is a prelude to a much more intensive discussion of the topic. And it is good to know that the sensitivity of this topic is growing daily in our industry. The evening at the Frea was the best proof of the will to change.«, sums up Alexander Otto, Head of Communications at Tradebyte.