Road to ECD (Part 2): The ECD Gate
Am 23. Mai öffnet der ECD zum dritten Mal seine Pforten in der Münchner Wappenhalle. ECD Gate ist dafür das zentrale Networking-Tool

But our ECD Gate is capable of so much more! It can be used to organize networking in a centralized manner. As soon as you are registered our organizational team will validate your company – and thereby provide you with the opportunity to create a company profile and search for other participants. One month prior to the event the exclusive meeting feature for sponsors and vendors will be activated. You can use it to independently request and coordinate meetings, as well as to exchange messages. Networking is what you make of it! In 2016 close to 250 one-on-one meetings took place – how’s that for motivation to set a new record!
In the end, your personal schedule will have developed in ECD Gate. Additionally you can block time slots for interesting presentations. This makes ECD Gate the perfect companion for E-Channels-Day, providing you with an overview of all appointments and scheduled events.
Profit from these advantages and participate in as many meetings as possible at ECD – it has never been easier to get talking! Secure your Early Bird Ticket now! We are looking forward to your visit.