Starting signal: First local DEV Meetup
Die erste /dev/night fand am 09. August statt und war ein voller Erfolg. Dabei hat sich alles Rund um das Thema "Transaction Patterns" gedreht. Die nächste /dev/night ist am 13. September.

As a common challenge, a fictitious (distributed) Club Mate vending machine should be built. A central “controller” should make use of two (remote) services, which in turn manage the cash handling and finally the mate dispensing (and of course control the inventory). Of course, it is also the task of the “controller” to ensure that no mate is dispensed if a cash payment is missed (or cannot be completed for lack of change) or the customer loses money because there is no mate left in stock.
Pairs worked on this task on the computer, developed the finished mate machine, and finally demonstrated it to each other.
The next /dev/night will take place on September 13 at 19:10. Topic this time: CQRS/ES (Command Query Responsibility Segregation and Event Sourcing).
Further information and a non-binding registration is possible at
For questions or suggestions, the /dev/night team is available at the following mail address:
Twitter: #devnightrises