Tailor-made for online business – ETERNA places its trust in Tradebyte
The clothing company ETERNA from Passau uses Tradebyte TB.One as its central management software for online business.

ETERNA has mostly been known as a producer of premium shirts and blouses since it was founded in 1863. A traditional company, which has recognised the signs of the times and found the right partner with Tradebyte to implement its ideas for the expansion of its online business. In 2014 alone, ETERNA sold more than 4.3 million items across all sales channels. The company stands for premium fabrics, unique quality and sustainable European production at the company’s subsidiary in Slovakia. Since 2000, ETERNA has already been certified with the “Öko-Text Standard 100plus”, a seal of excellence, which awards its standard to pollution-free products and social and ecologic textiles and clothes production – proof of the forward-looking strategy planning of the company. That is also true for the online strategy, as Helmut Kandlbinder, member of the management and in charge of e-commerce development, emphasises: “We have decided on TB.One to gain additional online sales channels in the midterm. What convinced us was the short time-to-market duration so we will further expand our cooperation with Tradebyte very soon.”
Due to its standardised processes and high individuality, the TB.One SaaS software is the ideal tool for the needs of ETERNA. TB.One is based on two central modules: via the integrated PIM (Product Information Management) article data is centrally enhanced, administered and managed as required. The integration on different platforms takes place via fully-integrated interfaces. The OMS module (Order Management System) guarantees the cross-channel processing and management of order data. Additional features, such as a flexible translation tool, the mapping of article components or different interfaces to other shop systems simplify the management of multi-channel sales and speed up implementation processes.