The Road to ECD: Branch stars as guests
. The list of visitors gets longer and longer – but most of all more meaningful. Some of the big names of the E-Commerce branch announced their coming.

Only a few days left, then it’s time: the first E-Channels-Day will open its gates. The list of visitors is getting longer and longer – but, more importantly, more meaningful. Some of the big names from the E-commerce branch have announced that they will be coming. So, we have perfect conditions for successful networking with the stars of the scene. Meet well-known representatives from Christ Juweliere & Uhrmacher, Outfitter or VCM in the Meeting Lounge, during the plenum or for an easy-going conversation at dinner. Here is a small taste of the guest list:
Stephan Mütherich, Christ Juweliere & Uhrmacher
Thomas Scheler, Falke
Miriam Hanisch, Hallhuber
Tino Haller,
Steffen Maschke, Outfitter
Andree Morgenthaler, VCM
Anticipation is growing, the final preparations have been made. We are looking forward to the first E-Channels-Day and especially to meeting you! Save one of the last limited tickets and look forward to inspiring presentations in the plenum, 30 exciting workshops, trainings sessions and presentations in the four topic slots and good conversation in the Meeting Lounge and at the after-show party.
Everything else about the programme and the „E-Channels-Day“ can be found here: