The third /dev/night was overwhelmingly successful
With Test-Driven-Development as the month's topic, the makers of the third /dev/night seem to have hit the nail on the head.

As usual the meeting began with the presentation of the month’s topic. Special attention was given to the many advantages TDD has in store for developers, their companies and customers. Subsequently the challenge of the month offered the opportunity to put the new insights into practice while working on the “Pig Latin Kata” in small groups.
The fourth /dev/night will take place on the 8th of November at 7:15 PM. As usual the venue will be Tradebyte’s office on Bahnhofsplatz Ansbach. This week’s presentation will be titled “TDD++ – How to write testable code”. Its focus will be on the “Red-Green-Cycle”, “Baby Steps”, “Arrange Act Assert” and “Mocking by Example”. As always this presentation will be followed by a practical challenge. The event will be open to the public and everyone interested in development is warmly invited to participate!
Further information on the /dev/nights can be found at If you have any questions or suggestions you can reach the /dev/night by writing to