20 go-lives in 9 months? No problem for Marc O’Polo

Approaching Tradebyte with an equally ambitious and challenging roadmap ahead in 2019, Marc O’Polo has completed six integrations to retailers across 12 countries with intense support of our added services team.

Fashion store 'Marc O' Polo' from outside
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Marc O’Polo has been a Tradebyte customer since 2019 and is currently selling on six retailer platforms across 12 countries, which have all been migrated from another integrator or recently integrated within the course of 9 months. Since the beginning of the collaboration, the operational teams on both sides have built a trustful relationship. This has convinced Marc O’Polo that their decision to take the risk of moving their marketplace business to Tradebyte was the right move.


As with any migration project, the main objective for Marc O’Polo was to reduce overhead costs for all the risks that a project like this entails. This includes offline times or managing day-to-day operations in two systems simultaneously. In addition, they wanted to increase turnover and improve data quality sustainably at the same time. It was key to make a scalable setup possible with a high standard of product data quality, and operational excellence. At the same time, we wanted to minimize the required time for the migration project. This was one of the reasons why Marc O’Polo wanted to take advantage of the Added Service offerings.

THE Strategy

With a challenging roadmap ahead, a very focused time plan was required. Once Marc O’Polo had decided on a channel priority, each migration / new integration was tackled individually or in parallel whenever possible. Focusing on the tasks and preparing data in a way that would already match the requirements for the next channel made our approach super quick and efficient. As soon as the data was prepared and available in TB.One, the Added Services team performed the Mapping Service, i.e. the channel-specific value assignment. This enabled us to export the data as quickly as possible and the channel to start the data validation process.

The agents also handled all error messages around the mapping. In close collaboration with our responsible Integration Manager and Marc O’Polo, the Added Services Team increased the product data quality with each integration by aligning on additional values, data enrichments, and tips on categorization as well as clustering.

In addition to the operational and commercial goals for Marc O’Polo, our own aspirations focused on delivering a seamless experience and top level service to the customer across different teams and departments.

THE Result

Every brand working in the DTC environment knows how challenging a retailer integration can be in terms of internal process adaptations and depending on the specific data requirements of each retailer. Therefore, achieving the go-live of an unbelievable 20 sales channels within only nine months, should speak for itself and drive confidence how beneficial a reliable Software & Service Provider on your side can be. In addition to this, one integration was even managed from start to finish in a mesmerizing five weeks from kick-off to go-live, leaving behind a very happy customer.

Achieving this while not only focusing on speed and quantity, but also establishing a high-quality, sustainable and scalable setup for the future at the same time, shows what can be done when two partners work together. The Mapping Services of our Added Services team played an important part in this project, ultimately enabling Marc O’Polo to distribute their own resources most efficiently and focus more on strategy and next steps, while the extensive mapping efforts were handled by our Service Agents in the background.

Marc O’Polo is not only trusting our Added Services Agents with the Mapping in terms of new retailer integrations, but also continues the collaboration with the team after go-live. As part of our Managed Account offering, the Added Service Agents continuously handle and proactively check error messages in TB.One to ensure the assortment is exported to the channel successfully. Thereby they are ensuring not only a quick time-to-online, but also keeping an eye on an export quota* as high as possible.

A success story to be continued, as new plans have already been made. We cannot wait to repeat this great success again, be it with Marc O’Polo or another one of our valued customers.

* Export quota: The proportion of articles successfully exported to the channel in relation to those activated.

Fashion store 'Marc O' Polo' from outside

Linda Scholt

Thank you very much for the great support during the migration and integration of the new partners: we really enjoy working with you and are looking forward to further joint projects.
happy young man on laptop