Why Butlers’ digital transformation paid off

Together with Tradebyte, Butlers transformed from a highstreet staple to a successful platform player and celebrated record growth in 2020 as a result.

cozy living room with a leather couch and a pouf
  • 85%

    Increase in Year-Over-Year (YOY) growth

  • 7,000

    shipments of top selling item

  • 300K

    articles were sent in 2020


BUTLERS is a German retail chain that sells homewares on the high street since 1999 and online since 2007. With over 120 stores across Germany, Europe and as far as Dubai, BUTLERS is a household name and brand. The chain has 800 employees and gets 40 million store visitors a year globally. It’s also one of few companies in the mid-size sector to make their complete stock available to buy online: a step that Tradebyte has been integral in developing with them. We’ve been partnering with BUTLERS since 2015.

THE Trigger

We stayed true to our word and delivered what we promised: Butlers experienced a huge growth in their gross merchandise value thanks to our collaboration and expertise. The challenge to transform Butlers from a highstreet staple to a successful platform player worked perfectly and the company celebrated record growth in 2020 as a result.

THE Strategy

With our help, BUTLERS could focus on expanding their online business into a true platform that would change the game for them. After listening carefully to the customer’s needs, our strategy was to create a better data setup on their existing channels and integrate new sales channels for them, growing from Germany into Austria and Switzerland. Thanks to these measures the company’s revenue increased by 85% compared to the previous year.

THE Result

Moving their focus to online sales paid off hugely in 2020. Despite the Corona pandemic, Butler was able to not only remain stable, but increase their gross merchandise value. This is a success we’re thrilled to share with them.

Dr. Lasse Meissner

Head of BUTLERS-Digital

Creating an inspiring home has been more important than ever during the pandemic. We’re thrilled that Tradebyte helped us to reach more customers in 2020, can’t wait to see how far our collaboration can reach in 2021 and beyond.
happy young man on laptop