Amazon is the world's largest online retailer and a renowned cloud service provider.

180+ Countries
Sellers have the opportunity to reach millions of customers in over 180 countries
Nearly 60% of the sellers in the Amazon store that sell multi-channel cited Amazon as their fastest-growing channel
In 7 Countries
Available Amazon Channels: DE, FR, IT, ES, UK, US, NL
Amazon has over 300 million active customer accounts worldwide, and customers buy roughly 7,400 products per minute from U.S. sellers.
Build, grow, and scale your brand with our innovative toolkit: world-class logistics, a proven customer experience, rich data insights, and cutting-edge advertising & marketing solutions.
As preferred Software Partner Tradebyte supports Content and Order Management and additional features e.g. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP).
Amazon is trusted by customers worldwide:
- In 2022, Amazon was ranked the most trusted brand by US consumers.
- Amazon ships to customers in more than 100 countries and regions.
- Customers complete 28% of Amazon purchases in 3 minutes or less and 50% of purchases in less than 15 minutes.
Amazon supports independent seller growth and success:
- More than 60% of sales in the Amazon store come from independent sellers—most of which are small and medium-sized businesses.
- In 2022, US-based sellers sold more than 4.1 billion items to customers worldwide.
- In 2022, US-based sellers averaged more than $230,000 in sales.
- In 2022, brand owners’ sales grew more than 20% in the Amazon store compared to the previous year.
- In 2022, Amazon invested more than $1.2 billion and employed over 15,000 scientists, software developers, and investigators to protect customers, brands, independent sellers, and vendors from counterfeits and other forms of abuse.
- In 2022, Amazon Brand Registry proactively blocked or removed 99% of listings suspected of counterfeiting or other forms of abuse.
- By the end of 2022, more than 16,000 brands used IP Accelerator to enroll in Brand Registry, and more than 900 million items were protected by Transparency product-serialization codes.
How profitable is selling with Amazon?
Selling with Amazon can be very profitable. More than 65,000 U.S. sellers had over $100,000 in sales in 2020. The number of U.S. sellers that surpassed $10 million in sales increased nearly 40% that same year (see the Amazon Small Business Empowerment report for these and other stats).

Selling on Amazon
- To Sell on Amazon, you need an Amazon Seller Central account
- Register on Amazon for the flexibility to sell one item or thousands with Amazon Account Management services: US, UK, FR, DE, IT, ES
- Choose a selling plan based on your needs — you can change plans at any time
- Create product listings and product detail pages via Tradebyte