With a 95% degree of brand awareness, INTERSPORT Germany is the no.1 one in German sports retail.

> 900
Big Brands
Well known brands such as Adidas, Nike and McKinley
With a 95% degree of brand awareness, INTERSPORT Germany is the no.1 one in German sports retail. The group of over 900 vendors sells all well known sports brands and offers its customers a real sports experience. INTERSPORT would like to pass on what brings it the most moments of joy: the love of sports. Here, athletes will find the largest selection of sporting goods across platforms. The selection is being extended by strong store brands like McKINLEY, Energetics or PRO TOUCH – in 1,500 stores all over Germany, as well as online on Since 2017 INTERSPORT has been an omnichannel platform. The INTERSPORT Digital GmbH, a subsidiary of INTERSPORT Germany, tends to the digital shop-window. It directs the connected shopping experience across all channels, brings digital content to the POS and designs the whole group’s e-commerce future.
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