Retailer Connect

Access our ever-growing brand pool

Are you a marketplace and looking to increase business growth? Partner with Tradebyte. We provide access to our expansive pool of 1,000+ brands, all through one interface. If you need further assistance, we’re also available to help you select brands that align with your expansion plans.

Benefits of Retailer Connect

All your data in one interface

  • Standardised connection

    Easily onboard brands from our brand pool by using Retailer Connect. The interface matches TB.One standards, and provides access to both the brands you wish to connect with and their relevant data.

  • Scalability

    With 1,000+ brands in our pool, we offer you not only growth potential for your business but also data and options for analysing it.

  • Fast Time-To-Market

    Our standardised interface significantly reduces the time-to-market, simultaneously minimising efforts for maintenance and extensions.

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