- 6 months from start to go-live
Fashion & Accessoires, Sports
Outletcity Metzingen and Tradebyte – First of it’s kind to launch a marketplace
Milestone reached through great collaboration between Outletcity Metzingen and Tradebyte.
- +40% increase of articles in the online shop
- +25% of the online product range are partner products
- 20+ go-lives since 03/2019
Fashion & Accessoires, Sports
Engelhorn’s rich tradition and customer experience scaled to a marketplace
Learn how Tradebyte's solutions empowered engelhorn's transformation from a multi-channel trader into a successful platform player.
- +13K additional articles in the 6 months since go-live
- +30 brand-retailer connections
- 6 weeks to pilot integration with MARC AUREL
Fashion & Accessoires
When collaboration leads to growth: VAN GRAAF and Tradebyte show how it’s done
VAN GRAAF teamed up with Tradebyte to gain the necessary support for transitioning from a fashion retailer to a thriving marketplace.
- +30% growth in GMV
- +20% of total GMV generated by partner stock in first full year
- +10% increase in number of articles within one year since go live
Fashion & Accessoires
Goertz calls upon Tradebyte for a strategic shift
In March 2022, two years after launching their marketplace, Goertz extended their product selection from shoes and accessories to also offering clothing.
- 500K+ articles through Tradebyte
- 1.9M active customers
Fashion & Accessoires, Home & Living
Limango onboards its 150th partner in 5 years of partnership with Tradebyte
Over the course of the last four years, Limango went from being a platform that offers one-off deals to being an all-in-one marketplace selling products as well as services. with Tradebyte’s assistance, the business was able to expand at scale and can today boast a total of 150 partners.
- 12M+ active customers
- 35 orders per second
Home & Living
OTTO Market – OTTO’s journey to an open platform
The step towards an open platform enables OTTO to meet the needs of its customers even better with having qualified partners on their side.
- 30+ EMEA countries
- ∞ global shipment possibility
Fashion & Accessoires
Reach millions of customers in over 25 EMEA countries with just one integration – Fulfilment by About You x Tradebyte
About You teamed up with Tradebyte to put in place their new fulfilment model, resulting in their launch in over 30 new markets.
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Facts that
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