Austria’s second largest mail order company relies on the SaaS software TB.Market from Tradebyte Software GmbH for the management of their sales platform and the clear and simplified administration of external product ranges.

As early as in 2008, GmbH opened up their online shop as a sales plat-form for selected suppliers, manufacturers and brands. After years of promising coop-eration with Tradebyte and the successful connection of more than 30 partners, now uses the TB.Market software to administer all sales partners quickly and clearly. The article data of all suppliers are entered by TB.Market via the central PIM module (PIM=Product Information Management) and categorised and enhanced according to standards. Connected sales partners can transmit article data and process orders via the TB.One standard software or consistent interfaces.

“With TB.Market, Neckermann Austria now has the opportunity to make a standard-ised connection with all customers. Complex individual solutions due to different in-terfaces and data standards are therefore a thing of the past.” says Kathrin Hösl, Head of Sales & Account Management at Tradebyte. “For vendors from the Tradebyte pool the path to is also simplified through this, as the platform is now fully integrated into our system.”

Selected customers can now profit from the new, direct interface to and open up affine buyer and target groups in Austria.

If you have any questions please contact us, your Tradebyte team is happy to help.